A video on social media is going viral very fast. The boy in Delhi Metro has made a funny video by mixing two videos. The boy says on the phone to get a seat in the Delhi Metro that he has come from China, soon after that the seat looks empty. is It would seem that the seat was really empty but he made this video by cutting two videos. This fake video is becoming quite viral on TikTok. You can see this viral video here.
लड़का दिल्ली मेट्रो में सीट पाने क लिए फोन पर कहता दिखता है कि वो चीन से आया है. उसके तुरंत बाद सीट खाली दिखती हैं. ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि सीट सच में खाली हो गई. लेकिन उसने दो वीडियो काटकर इस वीडियो को बनाया. ये फेक वीडियो टिकटॉक पर काफी वायरल हो रहा है.
#coronavirus #COVID-19 #TikTok